2 Dresses, 2 Tops, 1 Belt but No Salami.

IMG_20150410_123846Today I woke up and thought, “Mmm, I will cook today”. Not an unusual thought for a pregnant woman who needs to feed herself and her family. But a thought process, which started 2 days ago when my kitchen was taken over by a tiramisu concoction, not made by me.

The scene: Apa comes home from work, the day after my big Tesco shop, with bags full of food. I fight the urge to ask where on earth he stored all this food on his scooter as I can see we are no mood for sarcasm or jokes. Before I say a word, there is a mutter about how I forgot about him in yesterdays shop and I only thought about myself and bought 2 dresses. My response to that was not so smart, “It was 2 dresses, 2 tops and a belt”. The look of fire came my way but no words spoken. I smile my sweetest smile and come and look at the contents of his shopping. Cold meats, lactose free milk and all the ingredients for a tiramisu. A ha, I see where this is going. He is feeling sad because I forgot some things so is trying to guilt trip me into making a beautiful dessert for two. Little does he know his plan won’t work because tiramisu and I are not the biggest of fans. I might be pregnant, but that does not mean I will eat everything under the sun. So the afternoon was spent making this gigantic tiramisu, made to feed the 5000, and the look of triumph on his face was priceless. Come the evening, I knew what I had to do, taste. In fact, it was pretty good, but I knew I was not going to eat much more than a few bites. The next two days was quite entertaining to watch as this man gobbled up every single bite of this Italian coffee flavoured dessert, and felt not guilt until after he realised he tackled it alone. What followed was the all too familiar, “We need to eat more healthy now” phrase, not said by me.

So after browsing through some recipes I came across Italian stuffed aubergines, (I am sticking to the Italian theme) I checked the ingredients and it was super easy. (Link below). First response from this athlete, “where’s the meat?”, followed by “oh, you can make this every week”. Score, pregnant woman 1 – Apa 0


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